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Monday, November 23, 2015

As you already know, hunting is my favorite hobby of all time. Every fall, I am always so excited to get out and hunt. Right now it is rifle season, which is my favorite, and bow season is a close second. Today, I decided to take advantage of the nice fall weather and my free time to go hunting.

My family has some land about thirty minutes from where I live, so I take advantage of that as much as I can. This morning, I woke up and drove out there. On the way to the farm, I saw five deer. I just knew it was going to be the perfect morning. As soon as I got to the farm, the wind was still and the weather was at forty degrees.

I got down in the holler and found a spot to sit. About an hour and a half in to hunting, my first doe came walking through. That was it for a while so I decided to get out my rattling horns and grunt call. Soon after, I had an eight point come in. My adrenaline was pumping. I dropped the buck in a fifty yard, clean shot.

I have attached a link to a YouTube video where you can get an idea on how to call in a deer: